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Breathe to Release Tension
I have another breath for you! It’s called Ujjayi, which means “one who is victorious” in Sanskrit. It’s often referred to as the “ocean breath” because as you inhale and exhale through your nose, it sounds like the waves of an ocean.
Here’s what you do:
- Zip your lips. Go ahead, purse them nice & tight.
- Inhale through your nose.
- Exhale out of your nose.
What’s key is to constrict your throat. Doing this will allow you to get loud as you exhale. Don’t be shy about it; get loud as you breathe on!
The Ujjayi breath allows you to focus on the breath, releases tension from the body, and warms you from the inside, which is why it is commonly practiced in yoga.
Breathe along with me in this YouTube Video!